Privacy Policy


1.1 When registering on our website, the user declares himself responsible for any false information that may be provided to the tool, as well as any comments and content inserted on the website. By registering, the user agrees to exempt FC GAMES from the responsibility of the veracity of any personal data provided by him, such as the violation of third party rights, fully exempting FC GAMES regarding third parties. The user acknowledges that the terms of use of the tool must be respected, under penalty of banning and exclusion of the user from the site, in addition to other applicable legal measures.

1.1.1 Each person may have only one user on our website, and the use of numerous users is prohibited, even on behalf of third parties, expressly prohibited, even if using third party data.

1.1.2 The forms of payment/sale are the forms registered on our website, therefore, no form that does not contain on our website will be used in making the purchase.

1.1.3 FC GAMES has full autonomy to ban accounts in the case of fraud and the creation of false accounts, while it is the consumer’s responsibility to contact our team to request the cancellation and analysis of the case.

1.1.4 In the case of attempted robberies/frauds, the company FC GAMES will have full autonomy to carry out the appropriate legal measures, as well as immediately notify the competent police authority.


2.1 It is the User’s duty to update their data before the tool. Thus, the Company may at any time cancel any user registration, without prior notice, as soon as it becomes aware, and at its own discretion, if the user has intentionally or unintentionally breached this Terms of Use Terms, or if violation of certain law, regulation, principles, morals or good customs. Once the user has been canceled with the platform, he will no longer have access, and if the user deems the ban to be unfair, it will be up to him to contact the FC GAMES team for removal.


3.1 The tool is exposed to the user without charging any cost for consultation, use of the website and registration. The only cost that will be passed on to the user will be in case of purchase of any product.


4.1 The user, when registering in the tool, acknowledges that any false information provided for the use of the tool, as well as any offensive or immoral comment to employees of the FC GAMES company, in addition to the violation of third-party rights, will generate the banning of the designated account of the site. Thus, the user clearly recognizes that this Terms of Use and Conditions must be fully complied with, under penalty of banishment and appropriate legal measures.

4.1.1Each person can only have one account registered on the site, with the data consistent with who made the purchase.

  • Purchases made on behalf of third parties will not be accepted, therefore, payments will only be accepted from the registered person.
  • The user undertakes not to violate these Terms and Conditions of Use, as well as not to practice false information and misrepresentation, as well as to uphold good faith in the contractual relationship, acting prudently in carrying out the transaction.
  • The company undertakes and is available to clarify any doubts regarding the transaction, form of payment, purchase, sale, or any activity related to the provision of its service to the User, while any problem or difficulty faced by the User is commits to first contact the company directly through support (, respecting the 72-hour response period.


  • When making a sale, the user undertakes not to sell any product that has been illegally obtained, counterfeit, as well as to sell third-party products, which are not owned by him.
  • When making a purchase, the user agrees that the product will be delivered within 48 hours of payment being cleared. In this way, only by sending the receipt, the products will not be delivered, which will only be sent after payment has been cleared.
  • The user agrees that purchases made via Payoneer,  Transfewise will have an increase in the final value of the product, as well as fees will be at their expense. In purchases via bank slip, the user agrees that there will be an addition per transaction, charged by the company generating the bank slip.
  • In international sales, all fees will be borne by the seller. In order for the payment to be made via bank slip, the shipping of the bank slip will be at the seller’s expense.
  • When making a purchase, the User agrees that only the payment methods present on the Company’s website will be accepted for the purchase of goods.
  • When making the purchase, the user agrees with the deadline shown on the website, according to the modality that made it, whether picpay. payment slip, or transfer, as well as the deadline for delivery.
  • Due to the various problems faced, Fc Games will make payment only after receiving the product, within 48 hours, thus, the User agrees that no payment will be made before receiving the product.
  • The user fully agrees with the form of refund displayed on the FC Games website, in case of a problem in carrying out the transaction.
    • FC GAMES respects the intellectual property rights of third parties, and therefore requires its Users to work in the same way. Therefore, the disclosure of any content on the company’s website can only be done with the express authorization of the team.
    • FC GAMES does not have an exclusive or commercial relationship with any online game company, therefore, it is entirely disconnected from any company.
  2. User responsibility
  3. 1 By registering on our platform, the user is legally responsible for all content displayed on our platform. However, FC GAMES is not responsible for any damage suffered by the user or third parties that has not been previously established.

7.2 The user undertakes to provide all the correct data, especially to the beneficiary in the case of a sale, or to the buyer, in the case of a purchase, in this case, which will be the sole responsibility of the user.


8.1 FC GAMES is not responsible for any damage that the user may suffer, while all the privacy of data of personal users and in the game are preserved, being violated only for the following reasons: by order/determination of a certain body, authority or court, law, or to ensure the security of systems, safeguard rights, or risks to third parties.


9.1 FC GAMES disclaims any responsibility in the event of Rollbacks carried out by the game company, that is, if a product is sold, and the game “goes back in time” deleting the transaction that occurred (coin delivery), FC GAMES will not refund, since the fault is of the THIRD PARTY (game company).

Sole paragraph: The only guarantee is in relation to the service provided, the delivery of currency or boosting, so that there will be no guarantee regarding the activity of third parties (other companies).

9.2 FC GAMES disclaims any responsibility regarding the banning of the user who buys a certain currency or service, as this is the sole and exclusive fault of the game company (third parties), which has the “power” to ban a certain account.


10.1 These Terms and Conditions of Use are governed by Brazilian law, so that all disputes, actions and other matters to be resolved will have the applicability of this law.


11.1 For any problem to be solved referring to this Term, the jurisdiction of the district of São Paulo – Capital (Central) is elected, waiving any other jurisdiction, regardless of privilege.